Nancy J. Nicholson


You’ve seen and created knitted lace patterns in shawls, tops and blankets. You've seen the crocheted doilies from your grandmothers, but have you ever knit a lace doily? Lift up your lace skills with this simple and fast doily, great for gift giving. In this class you will learn to read your stitches and know whether you're on track. Doily making is fiddly for the first few rounds and then it gets exciting as the pattern is revealed before your very eyes.

During this class we'll cast on and increase our stitches. We'll talk about why a lace pattern does certain things and how to recognize the SSK, verses K2tog, and why they are important. Is this an increase row, or do you need equal increases for your decreases? Basically, we'll be studying the mechanics of knitting. As we progress we'll talk about issues that can arise and how to fix them. We’ll talk about multiple bind offs, but in this class we’ll add a border while we bind off. 4 to 10 students.

Prerequisite skills:   Know how to knit and purl with a curiosity to increase your skills.

Pre-class homework:  None

Students bring:  A US size 6 - 16” circular needle and two US size 6 DPNs, wood is preferred for anti-slipping and stitch markers.

 Materials fee:  $15 for a color choice of Malabrigo Silkpaca lace weight yarn. (paid to instructor)

 Date and time: Saturday, June 8, 2024, !:00pm to 4:00pm

Class fee: $50.00